Hastings & St. Leonards on-line community newspaper
Volunteer Week 1-7 June 2018

Volunteer Week 1-7 June 2018

HVA’s Volunteer Week (1-7 June) initiatives

On Wednesday 6 June, Hastings Voluntary Action (HVA) will be in Hastings town centre talking to people about volunteering and encouraging them to spare a little of their time to make a huge difference in the local community. On Friday 8 June, HVA will be in St Leonards town centre. Alternatively, if you can’t get to these locations and you want to volunteer or find out more about available opportunities, you can always contact HVA at their base or via their website. Zelly Restorick writes.

“We want to encourage more people to get involved in their local community,” says Peter Thorpe, Deputy Director of Hastings Voluntary Action.

Volunteers make an incredible difference within our communities in Hastings and St Leonards – and whatever your age, whatever your skills and abilities, however much time you have to spare, there is sure to be some local organisation who would be grateful to you for offering them some of your valuable time. You might volunteer on a regular basis or for a one-off project or campaign: you choose how much time you want to offer and how often. The rewards are huge.

When we are employed, we can never do enough hours for the wages we receive and much of what we do is expected and assumed – and maybe even unappreciated. However, when we volunteer, we are offering our time, experience and skills freely and for free – and this really makes a difference, as everything we do is very much appreciated and not taken for granted.

See below for details of HVA’s training courses for volunteers.

Visit HVA’s website to find out more: Hastings Voluntary Action website. Twitter: @hvastuff


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Posted 17:35 Tuesday, Jun 5, 2018 In: Campaigns

Also in: Campaigns

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