Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper


Hastings Friends of Yatma


In Palestine, our visitors Amena and Ra’ida have been doing feedback sessions from their visit here on and around Mothers’ Day at that end (which was 21st March). In Abu Dis/ Aizariya, I’m told that more than 200 women PLUS kids packed a hall for that session; there have been sessions at the Saraya Centre in Jerusalem, at Shu’fat Camp and in Jenin and Beit Fourik.

The Hastings group is arranging for Palestinian olive oil to be on sale at the Farmers Market soon, along with embroidery work, and are planning a Table Sale fundraiser for 5th June (see below).

Thanks to your wonderful support so far, Hastings Friendship Association with Yatma recently was able to buy a computer for the community centre in the village!

This is a most significant step in putting the village in touch with the outside world, as it has hitherto been cut off from the sort of communication that we all take for granted but which can help in all manner of ways in making links with appropriate agencies, information, educational, medical and human rights support.

Two of our members have just returned from a 8 day tour of Palestine as well a 2 day visit to Yatma. For our next film event, (May), Gill and Sarah will be able to talk to you about their experiences before the main films.

The visit was very constructive and we are now able to focus our efforts on specific projects in schools, health, women and communication and for this we rely on your generous support.

Are there any supporters involved with schools? One of the projects we would like to set up would be penfriends and/or email communication between children, both primary and secondary. We would also like to explore the possibility of teacher exchange. If this is something you feel you can help with, please get in touch:

Next fundraiser, June 5th a Table Sale at West Hill Community Centre behind Torfield School: bric-a-brac, cakes, mid-eastern food, crafts, books etc all welcome, and please come and spend some money with us.

Two Films at White
Rock, 18 April

There will also be a showing of two FILMS on Sun 18 April White Rock Hotel, 6.30pm:

Our Sufferings in This Land ( 2005, 77 mins) by Ed Hill, which documents a two week visit to Palestine by a group of international peace activists in the autumn 2005. “Made with just a pocket video camera, but with the sense of presence and reality that the activists’ viewpoint brings, the film aims to present a concise understanding of the history, politics, geography and culture of Palestine…….The film encourages everyone to visit Palestine and the conclusion is that we can’t rely on anyone else for solutions everyone has the power to make a difference.”

The Iron Wall was made by Mohammed Alatar: this “Number One Palestinian Documentary” covers the history, the occupation, the massive settlement-building in the West Bank, and the Wall. In English, running time 58 minutes.

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Posted 22:04 Friday, Apr 16, 2010 In: Campaigns

Also in: Campaigns

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