Hastings Friends of Al-Mawasi
Hastings Friends of Al-Mawasi sponsored cycle ride and walk
Hastings Friends of Al-Mawasi, supported by the Hastings Palestinian Solidarity Campaign and The Big Ride for Palestine, have organised a fundraising walk and cycle ride from Lewes or Glyne Gap to The Stade on Saturday 26 March, to raise funds and awareness of how life is in Gaza. You are welcome to come along, to make a donation and/or teach online English lessons to members of the group in Al-Mawasi. HOT’s Zelly Restorick connected with Grace Lally from the Hastings’ Friends of Al-Mawasi group.

Online English studies from FB group at The Safe Space
Tell us about your group, Grace – its mission and aims.
“We set up Hastings Friends of Al-Mawasi to build links between people in Hastings and people in Palestine. We were helped to make contact with people in Al-Mawasi by the Britain Palestine Twinning and Friendship Network – we thought it was a good match to link up with a coastal town, so that even though our lives are so different in many ways, we have that shared experience of living by the sea.
“Gaza is completely isolated by the Israeli blockade, which prevents the 2m Palestinians in Gaza from leaving without special permission – or from bringing goods or people in. Our aim is to offer friendship and solidarity in whatever way we can; to show them that they are not forgotten by the outside world and that we support them in their struggle for survival.
“At our initial public meeting (which you can view online below), we heard from people in Al-Mawasi about the history and culture of their region. It was great to also have the involvement of councillors from Hastings, who have experience of previous twinning links with other towns around the world.”
“Our main contact in Al-Mawasi is with a grassroots organising group, which was set up there in 2019 called the Committee for Enhancement of Community Resilience. Official support services are very poor, so through this committee local people were able to organise building their own community centre, which they call The Safe Space.”
Tell us about the walk and cycle ride and what you are raising money for – and awareness?
“Local people have used The Safe Space as a base to invite speakers and trainers to run classes and information sessions; for example information about Covid, workshops to teach crafts and women’s literacy classes. The internet is also a key tool for accessing education and links with the outside world- and this is why we are fundraising, to help them buy more computer equipment for The Safe Space. The majority of people in Al-Mawasi are under 30 years old and most have never left Gaza, so this can make a real difference to their young people’s lives.”
What can people do who want to offer sponsorship and help Al-Mawasi?
“If you want to help us raise money, please sign up via the Hastings PSC website to take part in the walk or cycle ride on 26 March and get a sponsorship form to start collecting money from your friends, family and others who cross your path.
“OR you can make a donation online at the Hastings PSC website.”
How long is the walk or cycle ride – and why this distance?
“We’ve linked up with south coast members of the Big Ride for Palestine, who have been organising fundraising cycle rides for Palestine in the UK for the past seven years. Cyclists are starting from Lewes Railway Station at 9am and will cycle 40 miles via Eastbourne and Bexhill to the Stade in Hastings at 2pm.
“40 miles is the length of the wall which the Israelis have built around Gaza to enforce the blockade. People can join at points along the route – or join the walk which starts at 12 noon from Glyne Gap and walk along the seafront together. Cyclists and walkers will all meet at 2pm at the Stade for a short rally, joined online by our friends in Al-Mawasi (electricity and internet in Gaza permitting!).”
How do you connect with your friends in Al-Mawasi?
“We hope that over the coming years the political situation may improve so that we are able to visit there and that people from Al-Mawasi will be able to visit us here, but for now most of our contact is online.
“If you’d like to be part of this twinning link, you are very welcome to get involved, whether that’s volunteering for the online English classes we are running, or starting a friendship link between schools, workplaces, faith groups or other community groups in Hastings and in Al-Mawasi. Please email hastingsalmawasi@gmail.com.
Online English classes every week. Teachers needed!
“We are running online English classes every week, with volunteers from Hastings, some of whom are experienced teachers and others who are learning to teach for the first time. We have students of all ages in Al-Mawasi coming to The Safe Space to take part – and it’s a wonderful way to meet people and offer practical support, so we invite anyone who would like to volunteer to get in touch. Hopefully with more computer equipment, we can expand the number of classes and the number of students who can take part.”
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