Car Free Day
Car Free Day and beyond: What next?
Following the Car Free Day, part of the Sustainability on Sea Festival, Transition Town Hastings and Hastings Urban Design Group invite you to attend a workshop: Car Free Day and Beyond: What Next? on Tuesday 8 October at 7.30pm at the Friends Meeting House, South St, Hastings, TN34 1SA. The Transition Town Hastings team reports.
Despite the bad weather, everyone who came to Hastings first Car Free Day on September 22 loved having a car free seafront – and it triggered a huge amount of debate. We’d like to invite you to continue the discussion.
Do you think we could build on this to create low traffic neighbourhoods in Hastings?
Maybe you would like to run a play street on your home street every now and then and allow the children and adults to play outside in a traffic free zone?

Car Free Day
Architect John McCart will present his vision for a pedestrian friendly sea front.
Landscape architect Nicole Collombe and Director of Public Realm at Peabody,
Dr Phil Askew, will share images from cities and towns across the world that are already creating low traffic neighbourhoods.
There will also be a chance to see a short film about the work of local Living Streets groups and a film about turning your street into a play street from Playing Out.
And the local Living Streets group will be launched.
All of this will be followed by a discussion of what practical steps we can take locally to make this a reality. Roddy Crockett, partnerships manager from Sustrans will be part of the discussion panel.
All welcome. Admission free.
Warm wishes from the Transition Town Hastings Core Team.

Car Free Day
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For another car-free day I suggest liaising with the bus company to enable buses to be let through (and welcomed with a “Happy Car Free Day” card and perhaps a small bunch of flowers the driver!). Buses are the poor relation, literally, of transport since they cater for older, younger, disabled and poorer people. A bus can take many cars off the road, if people switch.|Yes, I know the services in Hastings and the area are inadequate – highlighting their importance and calling for better local authority support (including a switch to electric vehicles) would be really helpful.
Obviously the buses would have to drive slowly and carefully through, but I am sure they would. Maybe they could carry banners with “Happy Car Free Day – support your buses”?
I was one of the people waiting in vain for a bus on the day (in my case, to get to the event itself). There was confusion but resignation as the indicator board showed bus after bus, but no show. Many of these people would be trying to get to the hospital for visits, to see family or friends or get to church, and they were left stranded. Let’s not ruin their day again, let’s get them on board.
Comment by Bea Rogers — Tuesday, Oct 8, 2019 @ 11:44
No idea who took the photos but ditto to Alison…they’re great! Big
thanks for the great coverage, Zelly and HOT – and a huge shout-out to the many volunteers who gave their time on the day and in the weeks and weeks leading up to the event…you all created the magic that was Hastings first-ever Car-Free Day !
Comment by Sherry Clark — Thursday, Oct 3, 2019 @ 21:45
Palermo in Sicily has had a car free Sunday once a month for years. We have friends in Palermo and have visited many times. There should be a car free Sunday every month, and shops that do not need to be open on a Sunday should close. After all you can only have the same amount of money on a six day week, as opposed to the seven day week.
Comment by colin Foy — Thursday, Oct 3, 2019 @ 06:21
I don’t know, Alison. I wrote to TTH asking who to credit, but haven’t heard back as yet. Posted article, as wanted to get the information out there asap. Zelly x
Comment by Zelly Restorick — Thursday, Oct 3, 2019 @ 05:37
Who took these photos? They’re great! Alison x
Comment by Alison Cooper — Wednesday, Oct 2, 2019 @ 22:27