Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper

Yara Derbas from SOAS Palestine Society

Amnesty Intl and local Palestinian group to host historic first joint meeting in Hastings

In a significant development for Hastings, Amnesty International and the Hastings’ Palestine solidarity group are to hold their first ever joint meeting on the subject of Israeli Apartheid. Katy Colley writes.

The collaborative event on Saturday 2 July was prompted by the publication of Amnesty International’s report in February that concluded Israel imposes a system of oppression and domination against Palestinians across all areas under its control, amounting to apartheid as prohibited in international law.

Garry Ettle from Amnesty International

Garry Ettle, Amnesty International Country Coordinator for Israel/Palestine will present the findings of the major new study – four years in the making – while SOAS Palestine Society President Yara Derbas will speak about resistance to apartheid.

The event is to be chaired by myself, Hastings and Rye Palestine Solidarity Campaign [HRPSC] chair Katy Colley.

Amnesty International’s report is an important step forward in accepting the reality of what is happening in Palestine today and calling things by their proper name. Apartheid is a crime against humanity and has no place in our world.

I am old enough to remember the anti-apartheid movement in the UK that helped to bring about the end of apartheid in South Africa. It’s time we did the same for Palestine.

We invite everyone to find out why Amnesty International has come to this historic conclusion, one shared by most major international human rights organisations, including those within Israel itself.

The meeting – ‘Israeli Apartheid: Reality and Resistance’ – will be in the seafront room at the White Rock Hotel at 3pm on Saturday 2 July, followed by free refreshments and the opportunity for guests to learn more about both organisations.

Pal Luthra, on behalf of the Amnesty International Kent and East Sussex Network, said: “We’re so pleased to be working with Hastings & Rye PSC on bringing the findings of this comprehensive investigation to the local community.

“Hastings has a reputation for being compassionate, socially conscious and engaged and it feels more important than ever to be working alongside our friends and partners in our shared fight for social justice, freedom and equality for all.”

Details for the event can be found here – or contact Hastings & Rye Palestine Solidarity Campaign at


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Posted 12:35 Sunday, Jun 26, 2022 In: Campaigns

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