Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper
Hastings Green Party members show how to do it.

Hastings Green Party members show how to do it.

Celebrate migrants’ contributions in Hastings

Hastings Green Party is inviting local people to take part in One Day Without Us, a national day of action on Monday 20 February to celebrate the contribution of migrants to the UK. Nick Terdre reports.

The Hastings event is just one of dozens of similar events organised in towns up and down the UK on the UN World Day of Social Justice. The event aims to show solidarity with EU nationals and non EU immigrants resident in this country.

In Hastings, people are being invited to take a selfie with a message of thanks to migrants from anywhere in the world who live, work or study in the UK. These can be shared on the One Day Without Us Hastings Facebook page or emailed in beforehand (

On Monday the photos will be part of a display in the town centre, with passers-by invited to contribute their own messages of thanks. Supporters are asked to gather outside Cafe Nero at 1pm.

“We wanted to take part in this event to celebrate, and to express our thanks for, the huge contribution made by migrants in the UK,” said Hastings Green Party spokesperson, Julia Hilton.

“It’s a chance to show that as a community we’re united against the politics of division, and welcome the people from all over the world who have chosen to make their lives in Hastings.”

The event is so-named because it includes plans in some areas for a one-day labour boycott by migrants, to demonstrate their importance to the UK workforce.


One Day Without Us website

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Posted 08:12 Friday, Feb 17, 2017 In: Campaigns


  1. DAR

    “..the politics of division”? Rather a silly notion when you think about it: politics is all about division, isn’t it?

    Of course migrants have made a significant contribution to our society, but it doesn’t necessarily follow logically that this will continue forever, or that it can, sustainably. As I’ve said elsewhere, the flip side of welcoming migrants for their labour and skills is that we are “poaching” these skills from their countries of origin – which might well be more in need of them. Also, while they might contribute more than they take in strict economic terms (probable, but debatable), there are negatives e.g. every migrant requires somewhere to live, and I think the so-called “housing crisis” is, in fact, a “population crisis” because there are enough homes (affordable or otherwise) but too many people. Demand is the problem, not supply. That’s just one example. Here’s one for luck. Schools in many parts of the country have to deal with migrant children who don’t know the language or culture here. That can mean translators and special assistants – all adding to the taxpayers’ burden, let alone the poor teachers who have to deal with such situations.

    Comment by DAR — Tuesday, Feb 21, 2017 @ 16:05

  2. Julia Hilton

    Ms Doubtfire, feel free to come and give due thanks to all the West Indians yourself, we would welcome your ‘selfie’ contribution via Facebook or email.

    Comment by Julia Hilton — Friday, Feb 17, 2017 @ 21:48

  3. Ms. doubtfire

    I sincerely hope this group gives due thanks to all the West Indians who were under our rule for so long – never forget we colonised the West Indies – and then when they gained their independence we slapped NO ENTRY to the UK without a visa regulations on these former British colonies. Without the support of these people in the nursing sector, the railways and numerous other occupations we would not have coped. Remember these people who have been denied the freedom to come here to the land which took their land from them… think about it and read your history books.

    Comment by Ms. doubtfire — Friday, Feb 17, 2017 @ 15:53

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