Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper
Portal Charities Link

Portal Charities Link

Abuse charities unite

A new website and freephone number for anyone affected by domestic or sexual abuse has been launched. A partnership of three leading Sussex abuse charities with over 60 years’ track record, The Portal service will make it simpler to find the right help. The website offers a choice of options, including advice for friends and family and a referral pathway for professionals. Naomi Bos writes.

RISE CEO Gail Gray said: “Along with safe, women only, support, The Portal also offers specialist help to LGB&T people, heterosexual men and members of the BME community.

“The Portal Partners, RISE, CRI and Survivors Network, are committed to improving services and giving survivors support. The Portal will be instrumental in this.”

Commenting on The Portal, Sussex Police & Crime Commissioner Katy Bourne said: “Simplifying the access to specialist domestic and sexual violence support services is crucial to increasing support to victims.

“As PCC I have responsibility for commissioning local victims’ services which is why I am delighted to be an Associate Commissioner to this important contract, which demonstrates how working together can strengthen the capacity of local services so that they can respond more effectively to meet the needs of victims.”

If you’ve been affected by domestic or sexual abuse or violence, contact The Portal. You are not alone. We understand, and we believe you.

The Portal website         Freephone 0300 393 9985         @sussexportal

Portal Partnership

The Portal is a partnership of three Sussex Abuse Charities with over 60 years’ combined experience:

RISE (Refuge, Information, Support and Education): a national award winning domestic abuse charity providing sanctuary and support in Sussex since 1994. RISE is the lead partner.

CRI (Crime Reduction Initiatives): which provides information, advocacy and practical and emotional support to women, men and children living with domestic abuse and violence in the East Sussex area.

Survivors’ Network: established in 1990 and offering a range of professional, relevant, services to survivors of any gender who have experienced any form of sexual violence.

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Posted 14:47 Wednesday, Apr 6, 2016 In: Campaigns

Also in: Campaigns

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