Hastings & St. Leonards on-line community newspaper

                                   Meet: Rebecca Youssefi

Rebecca Youssefi

Rebecca in front of paintings by Adam Fisher.

From: St Leonards

Spotted : Selling her own artwork at St Leonards Festival.

Rebecca describes her style as “whatever I feel like wearing. I mostly wear casual clothing, fashion does not bother me. Today I am wearing black because I woke up not feeling great, it’s the colour I choose when I’m a bit down.

“I get most of my clothes from charity shops and I like to shop in Camden Market when I am in London.

“I live in St Leonards and I absolutely love it here, you can’t beat living by the sea especially when it’s so sunny and I know so many like-minded artistic people who live here. I am a self-employed artist and work as a tutor at the Respond Academy who do a lot of brilliant work with young local artists. I am also an aerial acrobat and a member of Hastings Gorilla Circus.

“For fun I like to visit art galleries, read, paint and practise my acrobatics.”

Rebecca Yossefi’s work can be found on

Find out more about Respond Academy here


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Posted 14:37 Wednesday, Jul 24, 2013 In: HOT Style

Also in: HOT Style

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