Seeking local energy champions
As part of the 1066 Local Energy campaign – to develop a clean renewable energy system in Hastings and St Leonards where energy is generated locally and the financial profits remain in the town – Energy Champions are being sought in St Leonards on Sea and Ore. HOT’s Zelly Restorick writes.
All the details are shown below: what being an energy champion involves – and the benefits to you and your life.
See if you feel drawn to any of the activities – or maybe you have a great energy-wise idea of your own to share?!
They’re good people at 1066 Local Energy – and spreading the word about this energising initiative is a valuable role. Read on – and contact Kate Meakin via email: or call on 07840 485344.
The poster below shows details for St Leonards, but everything is the same if you are an Ore resident.
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Also in: Energy Wise
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