Transition Town Hastings
Autumn Pot Luck
You are warmly invited to join the next Transition Town Hastings Pot Luck Dinner on Friday 30 September. The last one was a huge success – and the team are hoping this will be even better.
If you don’t know about the ‘Pot Luck’ concept, everyone (if you can) brings a dish of hot or cold food or some sort of snack… Anything really! It’s buffet style self-service. There is a kitchen where food can be reheated if necessary. Also, it’s an alcohol-free night.
Please arrive as promptly as you can. The inspiring film, ‘How to Change the World’ will be shown from 8:30pm onwards for those that wish to see it.
The gathering will be very informal. The team would like to get to know more members – and they’ll be time to chat about ideas and potential new projects.
TTH are already excited to see what people will bring: last time the food was amazing! Come along and make some new friends and check out what the Transition Town Hastings team are doing around the town.
Transition Town Hastings Pot Luck Dinner on Friday 30 September. 7-10:30pm : St John’s Church Hall, Brittany Rd, St Leonards on Sea.
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