Hustings arranged for Friday in town centre
Election hustings will be held on Friday afternoon in the town centre, courtesy of Extinction Rebellion’s local branch. The presence of three of the four candidates is confirmed. Places must be booked and questions submitted beforehand. Nick Terdre reports.
A chance to hear what the parliamentary candidates – most of them – have to say on the burning issues of the election will be available thanks to Extinction Revolution Hastings and St Leonards, which has booked the first floor in Central Hall, 6 Bank Buildings, Station Road between 5.30 and 7pm on Friday 22 November.
Places are limited so those wishing to attend are asked to register online. Questions are asked to be submitted by email to XR Hastings St Leonards by 4pm on Thursday 21st. There will be limited, if any, time to put questions to the candidates on the night, the group warns.
It’s a shame that time and space are limited – when hustings were held for the general election two years ago, they were held in the much larger premises of Hastings Centre, where they attracted nearly a full house to hear a full line-up of candidates expounding their policies over several hours (admittedly a fatiguing experience).
This time three of the four candidates have confirmed their presence: Labour’s Peter Chowney, the Liberal Democrats’ Nick Perry and independent Paul Crosland. Naturally the Conservative candidate Sally-Ann Hart has also been invited.
Two other hustings have been arranged:
Tuesday 3 December, 7-9pm, White Rock Hotel, 1-10 White Rock, Hastings TN34 1JU: education hustings arranged by the National Association of Head Teachers (registration required)
Thursday 5 December, 6.30-8.30pm, East Sussex College Hastings, Station Approach, Hastings TN34 1BA: general hustings arranged by Hastings Independent Press (registration required, £2 donation suggested).
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