Join the HOT team for a picnic in Gensing Gardens this Sunday
HOT Picnic this Sunday
This Sunday at 2pm, some of the HOT team will be picnic-ing at the south end of Gensing Gardens. If you’d like to meet the team, and find out more about HOT and how you can write articles for HOT or get involved in some other way – please come along!
HOT’s Erica Smith said, “At a recent Zoom meeting, one of our writers, Vanessa Alves, suggested it would be a good idea for the HOT team to be more visible and accessible to our readers.
“We would love more people to write for HOT – so if you are curious to find out more about HOT and how easy it is to become a HOT writer, please join us on Sunday for a socially distanced picnic. It is also my birthday – so it will be lovely to celebrate with you.”
Google Journalism Emergency Relief Fund grant
HOT is delighted to announce that we are the recipient of a Google Journalism Emergency Relief Fund grant. This is to support local media outlets which have been negatively impacted by Covid-19.
Our income from advertising has been seriously impacted because of the pandemic. This grant will helped us to keep producing local news stories. We also want to offer a bursary scheme to support and encourage local writers and photographers to submit investigative and documentary articles to HOT.
If you have been following the Covid-19 updates on HOT, you will know the importance of social distancing to keep the rate of contagion low. The HOT team would love to see you, but remind you to bring your own food, drink and mask and to respect social distancing.
Come along on Sunday at 2pm and find out more. HOT will be at the south end of Gensing Gardens in St Leonards (at the Clyde Road end) – look for the HOT sign.
If you’re enjoying HOT and would like us to continue providing fair and balanced reporting on local matters please consider making a donation. Click here to open our PayPal donation link. Thank you for your continued support!
Also in: One Long Party
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