Moon clouds (Photo Milan Rai)
Seeking liberation
“This may be the first anti-oppression workshop to be held in Hastings & St Leonards, “says Milan Rai. “Who’s welcome to attend? Anyone committed to social change: campaigners, trade unionists, community organisers, environmentalists, peace activists, anti-racists, educators, students, radical media people, politically-engaged creative people, long-time experienced activists and new folk.
Qs for HOT article:
Seeking Liberation from what, Mil?
From oppressive attitudes and behaviours and institutions – oppression outside ourselves and our movements for change, and oppression inside our movements and inside ourselves. Oppression meaning classism, sexism, racism, ageism, discrimination against people with disabilities, homophobia, and other forms of unjust power relations.
What is your perception of the current world?
There are lots of opportunities for constructive action, and lots of suffering and oppression.
Do you feel a sense of optimism? Hope?
I am inspired by the courage and persistence of others. That’s about it.
What is your vision for the future?
In the long-term, a democratically-self-governing society with the state or concentrations of wealth and power. In the short term, the continued survival of human civilisation.
Please give us some insight into who Milan Rai is.
The son of a military nurse and an army officer. The father of a strategist. The brother of a digital entrepreneur (my brother) and Nepal’s premier punk rocker (my sister). The partner of a politically-engaged artist.
What would you like to say to HOT readers?
Let’s walk together along the road of liberation!
Who’s sponsoring your activities?
No one.
* * *
Here’s the info from Mil’s press release:
“The idea of anti-oppression (or ‘collective liberation’) workshops is that they can help us to become more useful in dismantling oppressive behaviour, whether individual, collective or institutional.
“By ‘oppressive behaviour’, we mean sexism, racism, classism, ageism, discrimination against people with visible or invisible disabilities and other systems of unjust, damaging power.
“The purpose of this workshop is to help each of us become a bit more capable of resisting oppressive attitudes and behaviour, whether in other people, in ourselves, or in larger institutions.
“‘Seeking Liberation’ is not a lecture, but a workshop in which every person attending will be part of the action: both part of the learning, and part of the teaching.
“Gabrielle (now in Nepal) said of the trial run: ‘Brilliant workshop. Eye-opening, thought-provoking and liberating!’
“The workshop is the final public event held by the Burning Gold nonviolence study/action group which has been meeting in St Leonards and Hastings all year.”
The workshop will be led by Milan Rai, Emily Johns & Gabriel Carlyle. More info: 07980 748 555.
More information on Burning Gold here.
The Facebook event here.
Seeking liberation workshop
Seeking liberation workshop : £1-£10 7.30pm, Thursday 30 October *The Masonic Hall/The Assembly Rooms, East Ascent, St Leonards-on-Sea, East Sussex, TN38 0DR
*CHANGE OF VENUE (we got double-booked)
For more information please call Milan Rai 07980 748 555
Peace News here.
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