Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper

Got a yen for foreign languages?

If you fancy having a natter in French, Spanish or German, pop down to Pissarro’s on a Wednesday night and join in the Polyglot Club.

Despite the terrible reputation of the English when it comes to speaking foreign languages, some of us can and do!

And Pissarro’s on a Wednesday night from 8.30pm is where we do it. All it costs is whatever you want to spend at the bar.

You don’t have to be an accomplished speaker – beginners are also welcome to our informal club.
The languages from across the Channel crop up most, but we’re happy to tackle any others! Native speakers of other languages are welcome too.

Pissarro’s, South Terrace (behind Priory Meadow Shopping Centre), Hastings. Or call Peter (07773 102 466) or Nick (01424 713 861).

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Posted 17:21 Tuesday, Nov 8, 2011 In: Hastings People

Also in: Hastings People

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