Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper
Masculinity in the Modern World

Masculinity in the Modern World: Photo of Men Up North supplied by Sarah janes

Masculinity in the Modern World

THIS WEDNESDAY (4 March) The Explorers Club hosts Angga Kara at Marina Fountain for a discussion about masculinity in the modern world. 

“A very important conversation – especially in Hastings (for reasons see below). Please tell your male friends. Everyone is welcome. If you are skint, please message me for concessions.”

Sarah Janes of The Explorers Club


Facebook link: Masculinity in the Modern World

Although societal views are evolving, a lot of men still try  – feel a need or pressure – to adhere to traditional expectations.

Men have been, and are still considered within society, to be the breadwinners, the gladiators and the ones to navigate challenges in the workplace.

Let’s look at the harsh truths:

Male life expectancy in Hastings is the tenth worst in England and the number one reason for premature death is ‘accidental poisoning’. 

3 in 4 people who take their own lives are men under 35. 

What does it mean to be a man and how can men find balance in a changing society?

What is the masculine role?

Who are the positive role models for young boys and teenagers?

We live in very confusing times. Aggressive macho behaviour is still part of male competitiveness, it is scorned and yet celebrated in popular culture. Men are often demonised as social oppressors and their emotions frequently silenced or invalidated.

With this repression of natural feelings an escape is often sought in the emotional obliteration provided by alcohol and drugs. Oftentimes an outlet is found in violence, pornography and a hundred other ways to avoid self-care and connection.

Please spread the word to the men in your life!

So how can a modern man navigate this terrain without being driven mad in the process?  

Explore this with ‘Masculinity in the Modern World’.


Sarah Janes’ website:

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Posted 09:11 Tuesday, Mar 3, 2020 In: Hastings People

Also in: Hastings People

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