Hastings & St. Leonards on-line community newspaper

Residents of Ridge House are pictured with their minibus, funded in part by Hastings Police.

Hastings Police check it out!

Hastings Police have issued a £150 cheque to Abbeyfield South Downs house in St Leonards-on-Sea to fund the running costs of a minibus.

The minibus is vital to give residents at Ridge House (27 Boscobel Road) access to trips out and provide a high quality of life. It has been used for days out to National Trust venues, garden centres and to take some of the residents to church on a Sunday. Other clubs also have access to the minibus, such as the Ramblers Trust, Rotary Club and St John’s Church.

Ian McNulty, house manager, said: “This donation means everything to us here at Abbeyfield. Although we are part of the Abbeyfield Society, we need to cover expenses such as the minibus’s maintenance and insurances. We carry out regular fund-raising activities such as sponsored walks. Our last walk was to Canterbury back in April. So thank you to PCSO Gaynor Hill for securing this kind donation.”

The donation comes from the Police Property Act Fund which is made up of monies received by the police after the sale of property confiscated by order of the court.

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Posted 21:38 Tuesday, Jul 16, 2013 In: Hastings People

Also in: Hastings People

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