Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper

Far from home tweet home?

Gemma Buxton woke up this morning all of a flutter. She couldn’t work out what was in the room with her until she put on her glasses and realised a budgerigar had flown through the window.

Quick thinking Gemma closed the window and the bedroom door, and went out in search of a birdcage.

A kind trader at the antiques yard in Courthouse Street lent her a desirable shabby chic cage into which the duck-egg blue budgie was lured with a dish of bird seed.

Gemma said: “The bird was very tired when it arrived, but it has settled down now. We would love to re-unite it with its owner”. Gemma and her family are all happy to give the budgie a temporary home, but they can’t decide on a name. “I’m calling it Bird, husband is calling it Joey, son is calling it Peter and daughter has decided on Ben. I think we all need our own pets!”

Gemma lives in the Hastings Castle area. If this is your bird, or you know who it belongs to, please contact her on 07974 329477.

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Posted 18:39 Monday, May 21, 2012 In: Hastings People

Also in: Hastings People

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