Cliff, Paul and Barbara
Care for those who are caring
Can you help? The Association of Carers provides free volunteer led support to unpaid Carers in East Sussex, including Respite and Befriending, Computer Help At Home, a telephone Talk and Support Service and more. The aim is to reduce isolation to support Carers to continue in their caring role.
If you think you could spare just a few hours a week to help out, please get in touch. Full training and support is given, expenses are paid and there is no personal care, so don’t worry if you’re not too mobile yourself. We even have drivers to take you! Our next induction is in Battle on 6th September, but if you can’t make that one, we have plenty of others coming up.
Or maybe you are a Carer who could benefit from the free services? Does it sound too good to be true? It’s not. Call 01424 722309 or visit The Association of Carers website.
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Also in: Hastings People
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