Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper

Fundraiser for Violet

Beard Shave fundraiser for Violet

The fundraiser is on behalf of little local resident, Violet, who has a rare genetic condition. The last fundraising event – a sponsored head shave – raised over £1000 and the family and friends would really like the next one – a sponsored beard shave, taking place on 23 November 23 – to do the same. Sarah Corrie writes on behalf of Violet and her supporters.

Violet’s rare genetic disorder, which has caused her ill health from an early age, means she is unable to stand, sit, crawl or walk without special equipment. Yet you would never know from her incredible zest for life and happy demeanour.

She has failed to reach a lot of milestones parents often take for granted and her family would love to expand their beautiful girl’s world and bring as much happiness, fun and enjoyment into her life as possible.

Unfortunately a lot of the Special Educational Needs (SEN) equipment and toys are very expensive and are either not available on the NHS or out of the families budget. Her great uncle and great aunt, Dave and Judy Gore are regulars at The Jenny Lind pub and a plan was formed to help raise some of the much needed funds.

Dave said: “These vital funds will go towards so many different things for Violet. There is always a never ending list of ‘extras’ we need to purchase on top of equipment, therapies, access to respite and adaptions to make her family home more accessible.”

Raising funds for Violet

More info can be found in the following places:

Facebook page – @rainmakestheflowersgrow

Go Fund Me page:

For further information from the family, please contact Dave on 07794 695910

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Posted 20:05 Wednesday, Nov 13, 2019 In: Hastings People

Also in: Hastings People

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