Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper

The Pubs of Hastings & St Leonards, a brilliant new book by David Russell, looks set to become a treasured local classic. Over a span of two hundred years, it combines social history, anecdote and scholarship, lavishly illustrated with drawings by James Gray, old photographs and fascinating documents.

We’ve been promised a review by Glenn Veness, a man who knows his pubs. And publisher Lynda Russell has kindly given HOT the go-ahead to feature an occasional series of stories extracted from the book.

David and Lynda Russell themselves plan to run an oral history project titled “Pub Memories”, collecting memories and photorgaphs.

Meanwhile you can buy the book at a modest £10.99 at Hastings museums, History House, Bohemia Voice, Hastings Info Centre, the North Star pub in Bohemia, and St Leonards Community Forum (which will donate part of the proceeds to the St Leonards Festival Fund).

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Posted 15:59 Friday, Dec 4, 2009 In: Food & Drink

Also in: Food & Drink

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