Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper
Transceiver - picture by Caroline Gregory

Transceiver – picture by Caroline Gregory

Transceiver performances at the Spirit of Invention exhibition

The Spirit of Invention exhibition at Electro Studios celebrates John Logie Baird’s amazing inventions. It includes locally built technology from the 1960s amongside new work by artists from Hastings and London. It runs Friday 10 to Sunday 12 May. Jude Montague, who is curating the show alongside Chris Simpson, shares an updated report.

Over thirty artists are coming together to celebrate the spirit of invention at Electro Studios, in the town where John Logie Baird invented television a hundred years ago. The install of the multiple artwork happens through the week and new includes two performances of a special ‘Transceiver’ dual being.

The Transceiver is a couple, a dual being.
The two elemental spirits are transmitting and receiving.

The performance has been devised by Caroline Gregory and Monika Tobel, performed by Caroline Gregory and Chris Simpson with audio produced by Jude Montague and Caroline Gregory.

Artists include:
Sarah Pager, Sinéid Codd, Monika Tobel, Caroline Gregory, Jude Montague, Dan Howard-Birt, Colin Booth, Duncan Reekie, Sam McGoun, Vanja Karas, Chris Simpson, Alina Gavrielatos, Matt Armstrong, Gary Willis, Neale Willis, Louise Whitham, Emmett Ives, Markus Thonett, Sam Dook, Lucia Scazzocchio, Rachel Williams, Sarah Milne, Kim Wan, Julia Maddison, Geraldine Swayne, Nathalie Frost, Mark Walter, Natalia Zagorska-Thomas, James Bradshaw, Fumiko Azuma

Performance times:
7pm on Friday 10 and 1pm on Saturday 11 May

Exhibition open times:
Open evening Fri 10 May 6–8pm
Open weekend Sat 11 May 12–4pm
Sun 12 May 12–4pm

Electro Studios Project Space
Seaside Rd, St Leonards-on-Sea  TN38 0AL

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Posted 09:00 Wednesday, May 8, 2024 In: Visual Arts

Also in: Visual Arts

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