Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper
Canal du Midi.

Canal du Midi.

Nick Hill exhibition at Zoom’s Warrior Square station gallery

Local artist Nick Hill has an exhibition of paintings and other work opening in the Zoom Arts gallery at Warrior Square station on Saturday 23 November. Raising money for charity is close to his heart – having raised £500, he is now aiming to reach £1,000, as he explains.

I have had a pretty busy year artistically, having participated in or organised over 15 shows, which have included solo and group shows at the Zoom Galllery, Oscar’s, and the Stables Theatre. One of the shows, Heroes and Villians, at the Stables is still running until the end of November and will be followed by a second one throughout December with the Zoom Arts Collective called Hidden Treasures.

I also organised my own solo exhibition during the summer at Oscar’s, for which the profits from my sales will go to the charity MIND, which means a lot to me personally having struggled with depression throughout my adult life.

Day of the Dead.

Day of the Dead.

I have raised so far over £500 for the cause but I am aiming to double that with sales from my new show. My art is very affordable and might do as nice Christmas gifts as well as helping a good and needy cause.

I paint from the heart and my style is bright and colourful and I often use high and low-brow culture as inspiration. I also work from photographs I have taken in the South of France and South of England and tend to use a lot of recycled canvasses and materials as well as found objects, glitter, sequins, threads and anything that I think might help my work.
Same Man in a Waiting Room 3: Exhibition of Work by Nick Hill  Saturday 23 November-Saturday 7 December, Zoom Arts Gallery, St Leonards Warrior Square Station. Daily, 10am-4pm.


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Posted 18:58 Thursday, Nov 21, 2019 In: Visual Arts

Also in: Visual Arts

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