Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper

The Barbarian Horde – a natural fit in a town of oddity

The Barbarian Horde is a duo based in Hastings and St Leonards-on-Sea. They are Rob King and Andy Cordle, who write and play original songs and music. Here they answer a few music-mag type questions put by Jude Montague.

JUDE: Tell me about The Barbarian Horde – what kind of music is it, who is in the band and what roles do they have?

HORDE: We have real problems describing our music (‘slightly odd English pop’ is our go-to), but that’s very much part of the Horde, a unique child of unique parents. We are Andy (aka El Moustachio) on organ and Rob (The Grand Weasel) on guitar – we both sing mellifluously.

JUDE: What are the songs about and why?

HORDE: We tell stories about everyday struggles and triumphs – stifling small towns we grew up in, the endless grind of work and the comforts one finds in the small things. One benefit of never becoming famous is we get to report on normal life, albeit from our own odd perspective.

JUDE: What bands do you admire and what musicians and writers are influences?

HORDE: In terms of influences, we love wit, originality and brilliant lyrics – The Kinks, The Smiths, Pulp, Squeeze and The Divine Comedy are all great examples of this.

JUDE: What life experience feeds into the Barbarian Horde? Are there significant moments or times in your lives that feed the music?

HORDE: London life is a big one, being an ant in that big colony definitely shapes one. Moving to Hastings was another, the idea of escape from trammelled life to something freer and more creative.

JUDE: What do you hope that an audience will get from your gigs? And what’s relevant for Hastings about your music, if anything?

HORDE: We hope to surprise, to confuse and land an emotional blow or thoughtful moment too – we strive not to be dull. Hastings is a place full of oddities, so we’re a natural fit, we feel.

JUDE: What is a Barbarian Horde? And why did you chose that name?

HORDE: We love a bit of juxtaposition, and that name is pretty much the opposite of our small and poetic combo. It helps to surprise people.

JUDE: What is your favourite animal and why? (Please both answer this one)

ROB: The great white shark – they’re just big dogs really.

ANDY: Bison – I just love their look, and try to emulate it where possible.

THE BARBARIAN HORDE will play with MONTAGUE ARMSTRONG in a double bill at the Back Room at The Pig, White Rock, Hastings on 24 November, doors 7.30pm.

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Posted 16:23 Thursday, Nov 2, 2023 In: Arts & Culture,Music & Sound

Also in: Arts & Culture

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