Young Trustees for dynamic festival board, one of the UK’s leading outdoor arts producing organisations, is currently offering opportunities for young people (18-25) to become trustees and help shape the future of the organisation, HOT’s Zelly Restorick writes. In a town filled with innovative, creative young people, this opportunity is one not to be missed! commission, re-imagine, produce and showcase a growing repertory of work that brings public spaces to life and is both engaging and inspiring to large, diverse audiences.
Wanted! Young Trustees!
Express interest in becoming a member of our Board by checking out the following questions:
• Are you aged 18 – 25?
• Are you passionate about bringing communities together through the arts?
• Do you want to learn more about leadership of an arts organisation?
• Do you want to help shape our work, including our flagship Greenwich+Docklands International Festival?
To find out more, for application forms, etc, click on this link:
Margaret Sheehy of MSL Projects, a local arts organisation alerted HOT to the opportunity. I asked if there was a Hastings connection? “Myself and another local resident are on the Board,” replied Margaret. “MSL co-produced a big show here in Hastings with them and HBC. And we are negotiating with with a view to bringing another show into town, possibly next year.
“There are several local fans who are regular attenders at the festival. It’s also a significant and rare opportunity for a young person in a town full of outdoor activity. is part of Without Walls, a national producing agency, and Outdoor Arts UK, the national network. Members of the latter include 18 Hours and several other local companies.”
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Also in: Public Arts
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