Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper
LEKIDDO - Lord of The Lobsters! Singer, Songwriter, Producer

LEKIDDO – Lord of The Lobsters! Singer, Songwriter, Producer

Lockdown photo exhibition spotlights town’s resilience

A photographic exhibition recording the lockdown experiences of Battle residents has launched. The display of over 50 pictures This is Our Battle by local photographer Darren Buss is taking place in the open air, using the town itself as a gallery. Alison Steel, media contact for the exhibition, reports.

Darren’s stunning pictures and the words of local people describing their lockdown experiences have taken pride of place at various outdoor locations in the town centre, including shop windows and special displays on Abbey Green. (For a map of locations please visit

Darren says: “I wanted to do something positive at the start of lockdown and began taking doorstep photographs free of charge to raise money for NHS Charities Together.

“It quickly became clear that there was an extraordinary community spirit in Battle and that I should try to capture this moment in time for posterity. I was very keen for local people to tell their lockdown stories in their own words.

“The exhibition title This is Our Battle sums up how proud we all are of the town and the resilience we’ve shown in coping with the pandemic, even though it has been very tough.”

The exhibition features many of the key workers, volunteers and local businesses that have kept the East Sussex town going as well as people from all walks of life who have kept up morale and helped to strengthen the community during a testing time.

The words accompanying the photographs highlight residents’ hopes and fears, the importance of personal relationships and community, a deep concern for the environment and a huge array of new skills and hobbies undertaken during lockdown.

Darren will publish a selection of the exhibition photographs and words in a book, which is available for pre-order on the exhibition website A proportion of profits will go to NHS Charities Together.

The exhibition runs until October 3, and has been supported by Battle Town Council and English Heritage. It is a free event.

The exhibition features key workers, business people and volunteers who have been working throughout lockdown, as well as other Battle residents who have been keeping busy including:

Educational Director Ella Roberts and Carpenter Roger Roberts, who converted an old American school bus into a motorhome during lockdown. With help from YouTube and friends they learned basic mechanics, electrics, plumbing, upholstery and bodywork repair.

Ella and Roger Roberts and family

Ella and Roger Roberts and family

Battle Yarn Bombers, who had more time during lockdown to knit and crochet items to bring smiles to the faces of Battle residents and visitors – including larger projects like Elmer the Elephant.

Battle Yarn Bombers

Battle Yarn Bombers

LEKIDDO – Lord of The Lobsters! Singer, Songwriter, Producer (see main picture above), who missed out on the festival season, but performed live gigs on Glastonbury Festival 2020’s You Tube/Facebook channel and his song To The Beach got to No. 1 in the Victoria and Albert Museum’s Glastonbury Festival People’s Playlist.

Performing Artist Olivia Post, who had been cast in a film and had many bookings for her magic murder mystery act Wattle and Daub and for children’s parties. The virus put paid to that but she made videos, performed and co-wrote a comedy podcast The Lockdown Letters which aired on BBC Radio Sussex and Radio Kent.

Performing Artist Olivia Post

Performing Artist Olivia Post

Police Community Support Officer Daryl Holter and his colleagues who worked throughout lockdown – looking out for the community, helping those most vulnerable and offering reassurance.

PCSO Daryl Holter Battle police

PCSO Daryl Holter (left) and his colleagues

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Posted 09:40 Sunday, Sep 13, 2020 In: Public Arts

Also in: Public Arts

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