Hastings & St. Leonards on-line community newspaper

Martin Honeysett cartoon

Call out to cartoonists and cartoon fans

Local residents and devotees of Hastings and St Leonards on Sea, Penny Precious and Erica Smith, have been – and are still – working their creative and innovative socks off to make the first Hastings and 1066 Cartoon Festival an event that everyone will remember. They’ve sent out a final call for cartoon submissions, announced a T Shirt competition and asked for volunteers on the BIG Day!

Last call for your submissions

Calling all cartoonists in the Hastings and 1066 area to submit work and take part in Hastings first Cartoon Festival, which forms part of the Root 1066 Festival of Contemporary Arts. This invitation is also extended to Cartoon County members and the Professional Cartoon Organisation (PCO).

There are three opportunities to show your work:

  1. At the Hastings Museum alongside an exhibition ‘A Taste of Honeysett’ which runs until 8 January 2017. Two temporary supporting exhibitions will be mounted during this period. The first will be supported by the PCO and the second – on 15 October – for local community submissions.
  1. At the Stade Hall exhibition to accompany the work of the Professional Cartoon Organisation and the work produced by the community. This runs from the 15 October to the 23 October.
  1. On our online publication and live, ongoing website.

Please send digital artwork to:
Or contact her at this email address to arrange delivery of physical artwork.

Artwork for the Stade Hall exhibition must arrive by the end of this Sunday 9 October.

  • The Cartoon Festival celebrates the 950th anniversary of the Battle of Hastings and through the medium of cartooning, the theme focuses on the Battle of Hastings.
  • The emphasis is on the gag cartoon and extensions of this medium.
  • The aim is to provide an opportunity for the wider community to take part in the 950th anniversary of the Battle of Hastings. This celebration is taking place across Hastings, Bexhill, Battle and Normandy and The Cartoon Festival forms part of the Root 1066 International Festival to mark the rebirth of this part of the world.
  • We are looking for responses from the cartoon community to this historical event in the context of current cultural challenges, addressing responses to collision of cultures,/conflict and integration/resolution.
  • Size A4. Hard copies will be displayed in A4 format, unmounted.
  • There are no restrictions on submissions in terms of age, qualifications, etc. However, due to restrictions on space, we cannot guarantee to exhibit all work.
  • Deadline for submissions: Sunday 9 October 2016.

T shirt competition

One lucky person will have their cartoon made into a personalised T shirt, care of Mole’s direct to garment printing. The winner, to be announced on the day, will be chosen from cartoons drawn at the festival’s main event on 16 October and from submissions. This competition is specifically open to local cartoonists, rather than members of the PCO and Cartoon County.

Want to help out on the day?

Penny and Erica have a meeting in the upstairs meeting room at The White Rock Hotel at 6pm this Thursday, 6 October, to plan the BIG Cartoon Day on Sunday 16 October.

“If you can attend, it would be lovely to see you there”, writes Erica Smith, “but if you can’t attend, please contact us and we’ll put you on the volunteer rota on the BIG day!”

Here’s the link to Erica Smith’s latest article about the Cartoon Festival events.

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Posted 21:32 Tuesday, Oct 4, 2016 In: Public Arts

Also in: Public Arts

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