Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper

Table Talk III – Eavesdropping without guilt

Table Talk is a sketch show like no other, created by John Knowles and Kate Tym, Table Talk blends food and eavesdropping into a night of quick witted, oddball and quirky humour. Built around the idea of a three course meal and the unlimited possibilities of possible diners who might come into a restaurant the nights have so far seen: angry jilted brides, ventriloquist blind dates, German performance artists and food smearing couples.   Now in its third month, the latest show features more extraordinary characters and a sing-along ending.

Tickets are available from Pomegranate Restaurant at £25 and includes a three course meal from top chef Jamie and his crew.

Table Talk III: Wednesday 15 October 7.30pm
Pomegranate Restaurant, George Street, Hastings
Tel: 01424 429221

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Posted 15:17 Saturday, Oct 11, 2014 In: Performance

Also in: Performance

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