Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper
Complicated family relationships and bee-keeping both feature in Charlotte Jones' play Humble Boy.

Complicated family relationships and bee-keeping both feature in Fairlight Players’ production of Humble Boy, with Tom Miller as Felix Humble and Kerry Gentleman as his mother Flora (photo: Aisling Tigwell).

New production by Fairlight Players of Humble Boy

Fairlight Players begin a three-day run of Charlotte Jones’ award-winning play Humble Boy on Thursday 9th at Fairlight Village Hall. Nick Terdre reports.

Humble Boy is a play about the relationship between a mother and son and how each of them responds to the death of James Humble, Felix’s father and Flora’s husband. Felix, a 35-year-old theoretical physicist, struggles to come to terms with his father’s death, a process that is not helped by the complicated relationships elsewhere in the family.

The play, which also covers the joys of bee-keeping, won the Critic’s Choice award and the People’s Choice award for best new play. It is both sad and funny in equal measure and hopefully a little bit magical.

The cast includes Tom Miller as Felix and Kerry Gentleman as Flora, with Andrew Godfrey, Clare Murray, Imogen Willets and Keith Miller. The play is directed by Aisling Tigwell.

Come for a wonderful evening’s entertainment which will make you think, laugh and cry, say the Fairlight Players. But be warned: the production contains strong language!


Humble Boy, presented by Fairlight Players Thursday 9-Saturday 11 May, 7.30pm (matinee on Saturday at 2.30pm). Fairlight Village Hall, Broadway, Fairlight TN35 4AX. Tickets £7 from Fairlight Post Office or Carol Ardley on 01424 814178.

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Posted 18:49 Wednesday, May 8, 2019 In: Performance

Also in: Performance

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