Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper

Barnaby’s Big Band is back — Sunday 15 September at 1.30 pm.

There was a good turnout for the last Big Band event at Barnaby’s Lounge, Robertson Street: it really is a magical experience to be sitting just feet away from a 16-piece, live band. Dee Williams explains why.

The event is free, but tips are requested to pay the professionally trained band members. The lead trombone player is Principal Trombone at the Royal Opera House, while lead tenor saxophone has worked with legends such as Van Morrison and Joan Armatrading. The list of accolades goes on.

Barnaby himself (bandleader and 3rd trombone) trained at the Royal College of Music in the Junior Department. Then he studied at Trinity College of Music for 3 years, 1993-1996.

If you have not been to the Jazz event lounge before then this would be a good place to start.  A glass of wine, the warm sun on your back and a 16-piece live band, right here in Hastings.  What could be better?

Here’s a little taster for you.

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Posted 09:28 Friday, Sep 6, 2024 In: Music & Sound,Performance

Also in: Music & Sound

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