Hastings & St. Leonards on-line community newspaper

Message From The Ravens conspiring under the pier © Elle Pickering, Styling: Philly Piggott, Hair/Make up: Amy Atkins

This is: Message From The Ravens!

You may have heard word on the street that Hastings has given birth to a new girl band set to make it big. Sharon Rhodes wants to tell you about them in time for everyone to see them at the forthcoming St Leonards Festival – this Saturday, 14 August at 2.30pm on the main stage.

Message From The Ravens consists of Siddy Bennett, Lily Kim, Amy Atkins, Philly Piggott and Hannah Dennard. They write all of their own songs – which defy any existing genre – so I have invented one called “witchy punk”!

Siddy, Lily, Amy, Philly and Hannah put their heads together in a Hubble-Bubble during lockdown and this Saturday you have the chance to see the explosion of female empowerment that has resulted from their coven.

On Pirate Weekend, Message From The Ravens arrived at Goat Ledge via a fishing boat to perform a knock-out set.

Their costume designer is their drummer, Philly, and their make up is the work of Amy who plays cello. Their look, their style, their message and their sound is something quite unique! Come and see for yourself on Saturday at 2.30pm!

Message From The Ravens will be onstage at St Leonards Festival THIS Saturday at 2.30pm. The Festival runs from noon to 6pm and will be followed by two showings of illuminated acrobatic performances at 8.15pm and 9.30pm.
You can find out more about Message From the Ravens on their Facebook page and Instagram feed.

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Posted 16:59 Thursday, Aug 12, 2021 In: Music & Sound

Also in: Music & Sound

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