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Polo Piatti - Composer of Libera Nos

Polo Piatti – Composer of Libera Nos

Experienced singers wanted!

Celebrated Hastings-based composer Polo Piatti is looking for 20 committed singers to join the distinguished London Mozart Players performing the world-premiere of his powerful and emotional multi-faith oratorio Libera Nos. The new choir will also be joined by members of the Hastings Sinfonia, five soloists and a children’s choir. HOT’s Chandra Masoliver reports.

The Opus Theatre

The Opus Theatre

Interested singers are required to attend all rehearsals taking place fortnightly from Saturday 29 February onwards (1-3pm) at the Opus Theatre in Hastings (details below). Polo will be conducting the rehearsals while London maestro Derek Carden will conduct the premiere.

The composer is also looking for a confident 8-11 years-old girl to sing the solo part of God in the oratorio. She should be able to perform on stage and under pressure. The organisers will be auditioning suitable candidates on Saturday 8 February at 2pm at the Opus Theatre.

Libera Nos is believed to be the first ever multi-faith oratorio to be performed in the world. A truly monumental work that took over three years to be researched and completed was commissioned by the Musica Sacra organisation in Hastings and is based on the musical traditions and narrations of all major world religions: Buddhism, Hinduism, Christianity, Judaism and Islam.

Polo Piatti

Polo Piatti

Composer Polo Piatti said about the work: “The oratorio’s main objective is to convey a simple message: as long as people remain segregated from each other, the world will continue to be an unjust and unhappy place. Only by looking for common ground and universal similarities can we find understanding and contribute to a better life for all of us on this planet.” As in all of Piatti’s works, the music is highly evocative, accessible and melodic. You can watch some video clips of the work’s 2015 soft-premiere online by searching Libera Nos Oratorio.


Rehearsals will take place on Saturdays (1-3pm) on the following dates: 29 February, 14 and 28 March, 11 and 25 April, 9 and 23 May. Full rehearsal is on Saturday 6th June (2-5pm) and dress rehearsal and premiere are both on Saturday 13 June at 3pm and 7pm respectively.

If you are interested in being part of this very special project or require more details, please send an email to:

or call 07725 163 929.

The Opus Theatre’s address is: 24 Cambridge Road, Hastings TN34 1DJ

See also Beethoven’s birth remembered in Hastings Sinfonia’s opening concert of 2020 season

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Posted 15:37 Sunday, Jan 26, 2020 In: Music & Sound

Also in: Music & Sound

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