Late 18th-century educational picture board of musical instruments.
Baroque on a balmy evening
Baroque Opera Live, a performance group based in East Sussex, presents an evening of baroque music this Saturday at Vinehall School Theatre featuring music by Vivaldi, Purcell, Handel, JS and CPE Bach, with special guests Robin Green (tenor), Richard Woodall (bass) and Tim Willsone (flute/oboe), writes HOT’s Chris Cormack.

Richard Woodall, bass.
The organiser, Linda Grace, is very excited about the programme, especially their guest bass soloist Richard Woodall, who sings Purcell’s amazing teeth-chattering ‘hypothermia’ aria (Cold Genius: What power art thou) from King Arthur. It really is the most extraordinary piece of music she’s ever heard, she says, and contrasts beautifully with the ever-popular song Fairest Isle which will be sung by guest tenor Robin Green. Robin’s voice is rich, dark and dramatic, and he is sure to give an interesting interpretation to Purcell’s work.
Linda is thrilled at having the opportunity to sing herself: Sol da te, mio dolce amore (Only through you, my sweet love) from Vivaldi’s opera Orlando Furioso. It’s the story of a knight driven mad by loving the wrong woman, and in this aria he is put under a spell by the witch’s flute music, resulting in a gorgeous duet of mezzo soprano with flute played by the talented Tim Willsone. This is surely one of the highlights of the evening!

Robin Green tenor (as Fidelio).
Lin Westcott, who recently won the Bach aria prize at the Hastings Music Festival, will sing the aria which won her the prize – the deeply moving Zerfliesse, mein Herze from Bach’s St John Passion.
Handel lovers will be moved by Hiroshi Kanazawa’s performance of Cara Sposa from Rinaldo, and thrilled by Richard Woodall’s Why do the nations so furiously rage together’ from the Messiah. Tim Willsone will play the allegro from CPE Bach’s oboe sonata in G minor, and also the delightful oboe sonata by Marcello.
Full programme:
- Vivaldi: Un certo non so che
- Vivaldi: Domine Deus
- CPE Bach: Oboe sonata in G minor, first movement
- JS Bach: Zerfliesse, mein Herze from St John Passion
- Handel: Why do the nations so furiously rage together from Messiah
- Marcello: Oboe concerto in D minor
- Handel: Cara Sposa from Rinaldo
- Parisotti (formerly attrib. Pergolesi): Se tu m’ami
- Purcell: I loved fair Celia
- Vivaldi: Sol da te from Orlando Furioso
- Purcell: Blessed Virgin’s Expostulation
- Purcell: Fairest Isle from King Arthur
- Purcell: Cold Genius: What power art thou from King Arthur
- Vivaldi: Agitata infido flatu from Juditha Triumphans
An Evening of Baroque Music: 7.30pm, Saturday 24 May at Vinehall School, Vinehall Road, Robertsbridge, East Sussex TN32 5JL. Advance bookings: adults £8, concessions £6, under 16s free. Look online for more programme details and to buy tickets. Tickets are also available by phoning the Hastings Information Centre on 01424 451111.
NB: the advance booking discount ends THIS Friday – 23 May.
STOP PRESS: Free music workshops! Have you ever wanted to have a go at singing Carmina Burana (sometime Old Spice advert tune ) ? Well, now’s your chance! The Hastings Philharmonic Choir is planning to put on Carmina Burana in spring/early summer 2015 and they need a really big choir to pull it off. The choir is holding three free taster sessions on the next three Wednesdays: today 21 May, 28 May and 4 June.
Come along to the Tabernacle, Cambridge Road (opposite ESK ) at 7pm on those dates to find out more.
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