Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper
Flying The Flag: Arming The World

Flying The Flag: Arming The World

Flying The Flag: Arming The World

Hastings Against War offers an opportunity to watch the film, Flying the Flag: Arming the World by John Pilger. This film is over 20 years old but worthwhile viewing to remind ourselves of the UK arms industry then and now. HOT’s Zelly Restorick writes.

John Pilger

John Pilger

The hugely prolific filmmaker and journalist, John Pilger, calmly puts the spotlight on the lucrative world of trading and selling arms by governments and private corporations. A world that is more interested in the billions to be made in profits than in the inhumane, catastrophic results of the use of these tools of war. Pilger explores corruption within the arms trade, the bending of rules and how a privileged benefit financially from the deals made worldwide.

Hastings Against War are showing this film in support of Campaign Against Arms Trade and the more than 100 campaigners who were arrested trying to stop one of the world’s largest arms fairs held in London Docklands in September 2017.

Photo Stop The Arms Fair

Photo Stop The Arms Fair

The campaigners set up a week long blockade to stop weapons, vehicles and other military equipment arriving at the biennial Defence and Security Equipment International (DSEI) arms fair. at the ExCel Centre. The campaigners said the reason for their protest was because the weapons and equipment would be used to commit war crimes.

Chris Cole of Oxford said: “It’s important sometimes to put your body on the line, so to speak, and to try to stop the normalcy of the arms trade, and to publicly stand up and say this should stop,” he said. “We’ve seen in the past that direct action works and this is one way to try to bring an end to the arms trade.”

Some of those arrested have already gone to trial and there are more in April at Stratford Magistrates’ Court.

Flying the Flag: Arming the World by John Pilger on Tuesday 3 April at 7:30 pm. (Please note start time) at the Quaker Meeting House, South Terrace, Hastings TN34 1SA. Film showing organised by Hastings Against War. Free entrance. All welcome. 

For more information about the films and journalism of John Pilger, check out this website. 

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Posted 20:04 Sunday, Mar 25, 2018 In: Film

Also in: Film

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