Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper


Extras wanted

Roman Candle Productions are currently looking for extras for their new film Scarlet.

Doon Mackichan

Scarlet is a 14 minute drama about 23 year old Scarlet, a refused asylum seeker from Rwanda, living destitute in a seaside town with her 9 year old sister Grace. Scarlet and Grace must travel to London for their appeal hearing at the Home Office. However, when Scarlet loses their train tickets, she is forced to find money for new train fares. With time running out and her moneymaking ideas crumbling, Scarlet chooses a path many women have taken before her, with a surprising result. The film is an inner portrait of a woman

Brian McCardie

who stretches beyond the possible in order to survive. The film features local actress Doon Mackichan (Plebs, Smack The Pony), Brian McCardie (Filth, Line of Duty), Caroline Paterson (East Enders and Perfect Sense).

SHOOT DATES: 31 October – 2 November, Friday to Sunday, in Hastings. This is a low budget film and there is no fee for extras. But if you would like a chance to experience being an extra, have some fun and help make this film happen, now is your chance.

For more information or to register, please contact  Elizabeth Small (please add SCARLET EXTRA into your subject line and include a recent photo)

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Posted 09:10 Monday, Oct 20, 2014 In: Film


  1. Joanne thorpe

    Hello I would like to be an extra I am a 16 year old girl from battle I have experience in being an extra for a advert for herstmonceux

    Editor: Please read the article again, where you will find that enquiries should be addressed to Roman Candle Productions together with a photograph.

    Comment by Joanne thorpe — Tuesday, Oct 21, 2014 @ 11:39

  2. johnk

    Contact with a pic and contact details.

    Comment by johnk — Monday, Oct 20, 2014 @ 22:27

  3. johnk

    Contact with a pic and contact details

    Comment by johnk — Monday, Oct 20, 2014 @ 22:26

  4. Nina savarese

    i would like to be an extra. I live in St. Leonards and teach yoga in the are. I’m also a friend of Doon’s. Editor -Please address the request to the above email address

    Comment by Nina savarese — Monday, Oct 20, 2014 @ 22:21

  5. Sally Anne Wilde

    scarlett extra Editor -Please address the request to the above emailaddress

    Comment by Sally Anne Wilde — Monday, Oct 20, 2014 @ 21:07

  6. Debbie Parsons

    scarlet extra Editor -Please address the request to the above emailaddress

    Comment by Debbie Parsons — Monday, Oct 20, 2014 @ 19:28

Also in: Film

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