Hastings & St. Leonards on-line community newspaper

A corner of Norman Rd and London Rd

What’s 200 years of St Leonards worth?

Recent articles in HOT on James Burton and his exceptional town mentioned the possibility of a Bicentenary Festival in about 2026. How could that happen?  Bernard McGinley reports on a meeting on Monday 5 June.

The Clock House, St Leonards Gardens

Festival Meeting

As previously reported, the meeting will be held at the Horse & Groom (in the converted garage at the back), Mercatoria, St Leonards, on Monday 5 June at 7:30 p.m., for an hour or so.  Local councillors will be involved.  Those interested in discussing how a Festival could happen are welcome.  There are hurdles, but possibly they can be overcome.  Fundraising includes fun.

Grand Parade at London Road

Local opinion is receptive to the notion that St Leonards-on-Sea should be celebrated. The town’s fine history (including its people and buildings and spaces) has been neglected for too long. Its contributions to progressive causes (such as Votes for Women) have been largely overlooked, or attributed to elsewhere — an understandable error. 

A Bicentenary Festival would require effort and support and informed comment.  People of goodwill should contribute on 5 June.

As Loudon Wainwright III nearly sang:

Hey, St Leonards is having a birthday,

Be two-hundred years old.

Isn’t that wonderful?

You know it certainly is.

East Colonnade

James Burton relief, St Leonards Gardens

At the bottom of London Rd

2066 and All That

Other anniversaries are available, such as the centenary of Television, invented right here in town in 1924 (following inspiration in Hastings Country Park).

Queen’s Arcade, Hastings


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Posted 14:30 Wednesday, May 31, 2023 In: Festivals

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