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Herring Fair 13 061 SM

Hastings Herring Fair returns next weekend!

The Hastings Herring Fair is set to return for an eighth year this November 23-24 on the Stade open space. The event will be free to enter and will serve a variety of delectable local fish dishes, as well as offering food and drink stalls and live bands. Festival organiser Stella Landau talks about what to expect in the following press release.

The Hastings fishing fleet have been catching herring since records began, over 400 years ago. The Herring Fair celebrates the now undervalued ‘silver darlings of the sea’ in their many forms, including bloaters, buckling and kippers.

Festival organiser Stella Landau explained: “This is our eighth Herring Fair, and it promises to be a great weekend. As well as delicious fish dishes, stalls will be selling local produce, wines, ciders, hot food, and beers for every palate, with the bar run by Harvey’s. Most of the event is under cover, although there will be trailers outside too.

“There will be plenty of entertainment too, with a musical line up with a folky flavour, including a ceilidh and of course sea shanties. Hastings Fishermen’s Protection Society will be present, and their stall will include a display of traditional net-making.

“And Tush and Pat Hamilton will be sharing their knowledge of this versatile and underused fish with demonstrations in the marquee throughout the day – showing you how to clean, prepare, cook and eat herring.

“CJ Jackson, the principal of the Billingsgate Seafood school and Sunday Brunch star, is our Hastings fish ambassador, and she will be demonstrating herring recipes in the Classroom on the Coast at 12 noon and 2.30 pm on both days over the weekend. These are free, but are very popular and filled on a first-come, first-served basis, so don’t be late!

“And there will be the traditional blessing of the nets at 12:30 on Sunday.

“A new addition this year is a Sunday jazz breakfast with Mike Hatchard and friends. Doors open at 9am for a 9.30 start. Ticket prices include a hot drink and a fishermen’s roll. Tickets are £13 adult, £10 children, available in advance from the Hastings Tourist Information Centre.

“Because the event can get busy, and there are children and very hot equipment around, only assist dogs are allowed into the marquee.

“The event does cost the Foreshore Trust a lot to put on, and although we’ve decided not to charge this year, we will be collecting donations.

“The Herring Fair is open from 11am ‘til 4 pm both days, do come and pay us a visit; you won’t be disappointed!”


The Hastings Herring Fair on The Stade Open Space

Sat 23-Sun 24 November, 11am – 4pm

Free Entry



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Posted 18:06 Friday, Nov 15, 2019 In: Festivals

Also in: Festivals

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