Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper

The Big Draw at Hastings Arts Forum

Everyone can draw. Really, everyone. And that’s according to the much-loved illustrator Quentin Blake, who’s been saying this since he launched The Big Draw over thirteen years ago, writes HOT reporter John Cole.

The Big Draw was initiated by Quentin Blake in 2000 and has since grown into an international event in fifteen countries, with more that 200,000 people expected to take part.

On Saturday and Sunday, October 12th and 13th, Hastings Arts Forum will be hosting the Big Draw, from 10-4 each day. And it’s FREE!

The overriding principal of The Big Draw is that Everyone Can Draw. Since its launch in 2000, The Big Draw has successfully supported the Campaign for Drawing’s aims by encouraging everyone to draw. Big Draw events highlight the power of drawing to help people see, think, invent and take action.

The Big Draw is truly a wonderful event, a chance for individuals and families to spend a day drawing and having fun at Hastings Arts Forum.

It’s as simple as that!

The event is for Everyone: young families with children, grandparents with grandchildren, aunts and uncles with nieces and nephews, individuals or a group of friends. Any age, young or old, who wants to join in. The only requirement is enthusiasm.

On both days, people will be invited to go down to the beach, to collect whatever inspires them, and then bring these items back for a drawing session. From these drawings, everyone will work together to create a huge collage that will be exhibited for two weeks in the gallery.

Everyone can draw – including you!

So please come down to Hastings Arts Forum, either Saturday or Sunday, 12 and 13 October  (or both days if you want!) from 10–4, for a wonderful FREE day of drawing and having fun.

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Posted 13:41 Monday, Oct 7, 2013 In: Community Arts

Also in: Community Arts

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