Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper

Crazy Bikes

Radiating style!

Hastings-based Radiator Arts is a well-loved community arts group comprised of highly creative, slightly quirky artists.  They are responsible for some of the spectacular, colourful events in the town – who can forget Dancing with Dabs at the Seafood and Wine Festival, the Umbrella Parade during Fat Tuesday week and, of course, Talullah the mermaid at Jack in the Green?  For years they have been holding workshops at community events and children’s centres – but now your kids have an opportunity to join in regularly at Radiator’s newly formed art club!

Cathy Simpson asked Radiator’s Jane Bruce how this came about.  She responded that, “We are known for our events, but the art club is about giving people more of a chance to join in and become part of it.  There are some very good art clubs out there, but many are over-subscribed.  We have a great selection of professional and talented artists who are really keen to pass on their skills and have some fun at the same time!”

The first session, to be held on Tuesday 16 April, is a taster, where Rebecca Child will be creating a Pop Art triptych using collage, drawing and printing.  If people like the taster session and want to do more, they can sign up for the next five sessions – more information on these will be available from the Radiator Arts website.  So do come along – if only to find out exactly what a triptych is!

Past creations from Rebecca Child's workshops.

Each session will be run by a different Radiator artist, so there will be plenty of variety.  It’s only £8 per session, and that includes all materials.

The groups are small to ensure that every child has plenty of attention – great for building confidence and making sure you will be taking away something you can be proud of! The aim is to give a mix of craft and painting, drawing and sculpture sessions, and there will be a maximum of 10 in a class.

Also, to help with confidence building, there will be an earlier group for younger children aged 7-10 and a later one for 11-14 year olds.

Creating birds from recycled books.

Radiator has a policy of inclusion and collaboration which aims to develop a culture rich in individual and collective creativity.  In the current climate of spending cuts, funding cuts and generally cuts in everything that makes life worthwhile, it’s especially important to maintain the wonderful creative energy that makes this area so special.  Radiator are also keen to hear from any adults who would like to have classes running for them – and not just for the children.


The Art Club will be held at:

St Clement’s Church Hall, Croft Road, Hastings TN34 3HJ

Every Tuesday, starting April 16 2013

7-10 year olds:  4.30pm-5.30pm
11-14  year olds:  5.45pm-6.45pm

Cost: £8

For more information, please contact Radiator Arts, the Art Club Facebook Page or email Rebecca Child herself:

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Posted 14:04 Sunday, Apr 14, 2013 In: Community Arts

Also in: Community Arts

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