Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper

MSL Salons

MSL’s SALONS: your participation required!

MSL is pleased to announce the start of an exciting new online programme of Digital Arts Events as part of the Dot Dash Programme.


Sessions on-line each Sunday at 4pm starting on 31 May 2020 for eight weeks via Zoom with talented local artists, historians, writers, storytellers and more. Bookings for the first 3 sessions via Eventbrite.

Full details can be found here.

Salon 1: Ordinary/Extraordinary revisited

In September 2019, Rosanna Lowe, local writer and story collector, introduced the tales of ten ordinary but extraordinary residents of Hastings in a series of moving and original personal poems. Rosanna has re-visited them to see how ordinary life has changed for them under the extraordinary lockdown.

Rosanna would love to hear about any other ‘ordinary’ Hastings folk who have been doing extraordinary things in these troubled times.

Link to this event here.

Salon 2: Rock Fair & the Carnivalesque

Rosanna Lowe introduces some of the ideas for her new work with an exploration of the History, Myth and Mystery of Hastings Fairs and Festivities. Rosanna is working with researcher, Julie Gidlow, to develop a new community performance work for production in the America Ground.

Rock Fair ran in Hastings from medieval times until the 1860s, when it was banned for its wildness. Rosanna and guests will explore the rich tradition of fairgrounds, folksongs and folk celebration through history to contemporary times.

Link to this event here.

Salon 3: Song & Dance at the Fairs

This Salon opens up themes that Rosanna Lowe is exploring for her new work, Rock On, Rock Fair. Fairs have inspired a deliciously diverse tradition of folksongs – from bawdy ballads to the gentle romance of The Hiring Fair, to the mysterious herbal coding of Scarborough Fair. Like travelling fairs and associated gypsy and traveller culture, folksongs often up sticks and shift scenery, lyric, melody and meaning.

There will be an optional Fairsong-writing exercise which you can do at home.

Link to this event here.

These Salons will serve as useful stimulus for Rosanna’s creative writing workshops.

FREE creative writing workshops for Rock On, Rock Fair

In conjunction with three of MSL’s online ‘Salons’ on Isolation Station, writer and story-collector Rosanna Lowe is offering three free online creative writing workshops:

Workshop 1: Creative writing: Ordinary Extraordinary

Saturday 6 June 10am – noon.

Workshop 2: Creative writing: The fun of the fair and the carnivalesque

Saturday 13 June 10am – noon.

Workshop 3: Creative writing: Making a song (and dance)

Saturday 20 June 10am – noon

See MSL’s website for more details on these FREE workshops.

Want to take part?

Please use the ‘Contact’ button at the bottom of the page and add your name, email address and put the name of the session you would like to take part in into the Message box. You will be mailed a link to connect to the workshop on the day before.

Salon 6: Sonic Lockdown

Call out for sound creators! Live in Hastings? A chance to take part in a FREE sound workshop where you could be a co-creator on a new sound piece documenting our lives in lockdown

From hand washing and NHS clapping, to increased birdsong and Zoom glitches, our sound world at home has truly changed. We want to sample these sounds and turn them into a composition that also evolves and changes.

Commit to 3 x 20 minute challenges during the week of 22-26 June and the Salon on the 5 July at 4pm. If you are selected, Kevin will email you the three challenges via video, with full instructions. You will hear the composition evolve after each challenge, shared via the Soundtrap platform.

There’s no experience necessary but you will need access to a mobile sound recording device – either a sound recorder app on your phone/tablet, or a handheld recorder like a Zoom. You will need access to the internet to be able to send Kevin your sound files.

Check out information on MSL’s website.


Please take a moment to click on the three Facebook links below for the salons.

Salon 1: 

Salon 2:  

Salon 3:  

Please do also share the posts on Twitter and Instagram we would really appreciate it!!

Thank you!!

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Posted 05:03 Sunday, May 31, 2020 In: Community Arts

Also in: Community Arts

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