Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper

Hastings ‘Big Jam’ Arts Project: 8–23 September

Trinity Gallery Hastings is offering people the chance to win an exclusive artwork that may be worth thousands of pounds for only a fiver! Currently, and during the run-up to the Hastings and St. Leonards Coastal Currents Festival, (8-23 September) visitors are invited to donate a small ‘Matchbox’ sized model car (just one per person) and £5 to the Trinity Gallery ‘Big Jam’ arts project, where Hastings artist Laurence Poole will use the cars to create an original assemblage sculpture. The completed sculpture will then be raffled off on the final day of Coastal Currents (Sunday 23 September). All proceeds will go to St Michael’s Hospice, St. Leonards.

HOT Reporter Joe Fearn interviewed Gavin and Rachael Walker from Trinity Gallery about the Big Jam Project.

Rachael Walker: The aim of the Big Jam is to engage the local community in an accessible arts project within the Coastal Currents Festival, benefiting a local good cause in the process. The artist Laurence Poole will be working from within Trinity’s ground floor gallery space from 8-22 September, to create the artwork in full view of the public and gallery visitors.

Joe Fearn: Are you expecting lots of donated cars?

Gavin Walker: We expect so. If a large number of cars are donated, Laurence will create additional works to be auctioned and sold to generate further proceeds for St. Michael’s Hospice. All model car contributors and raffle ticket buyers will be attributed on the back of the artwork as well as on associated websites, where project accounting and Hospice Donation details will be published in due course.

Joe Fearn: Will there be any audience participation?

Rachael Walker: Yes! The sculpture will take shape as the artist works on it in full view of visitors and contributors. On line, all donations will be acknowledged, where, over an image of the completed piece, a legend will appear featuring a number over each model car, with below a key detailing the car make and model (where possible) along with the contributor’s name. It would be nice if each contributor could have the opportunity to attach their donated car to the sculpture under the direction of the artist, but that may not happen, we will have to discuss it with Laurence.

Joe Fearn: Can people buy a raffle ticket without donating a car?

Gavin Walker: Yes they can, but most households with children can find a model car kicking about somewhere. They can be bought cheaply from charity shops. Trinity Gallery hopes that children in particular will be excited by the project and come along, with a little car, to see its progress.

All enquires: Rachael Walker, Trinity Gallery, Trinity Street, Hastings  TN34 1HG
Telephone: 01424 719923

About the artist

Laurence Poole is a Hastings artist, born in London in 1963. He studied at Croydon College of Art and at Chelsea College of Art and Design. After College, Lawrence spent many years as a session musician and singer/songwriter before embarking on his career as an artist and designer. Laurence’s career spans photography, graphics, painting and sculpture, as well as many design disciplines including interior, lighting, product, and furniture design. He currently specialises in assemblage, a form of collage using everyday objects and products such as toy cars and vintage cameras-items that evoke certain nostalgia.

See more of Laurence’s work at


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Posted 10:41 Tuesday, Aug 21, 2012 In: Arts News

Also in: Arts News

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