Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper

Hastings Museum and Art Gallery

Museum call out for freelancers

The team at Hastings Museum and Art Gallery (HMAG) is launching their second callout for freelancers to help support #HastingsDigitalMuseum. Hastings Digital Museum runs across Hastings Museum & Art Gallery’s social media accounts: Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.  

They are looking for activities that promote creative engagement and get people involved and taking part. Activities will be based on our upcoming monthly themes of:

Myths & Legends (w/c 15.06.20 – 06.07.20)
Science & Technology (w/c 13.07.20 – 03.08.20)
British Summertime (w/c 10.08.20 – 31.08.20)

The Museum welcomes activities aimed at different age groups – from young children through to older adults. They can include, but are not limited to, games, collaborative projects, workshops or performances, etc.

HMAG has a budget of £4,000 and have a nominal maximum limit of £900 per project / activity. They are not setting a deadline for submission and will commission work on a rolling basis, as ideas come in. Please email with an outline of your idea, the total cost, your hourly rate and an example of your previous work.

Hastings Museum & Art Gallery, Bohemia Road, Hastings, TN34 1ET

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Posted 14:47 Thursday, May 28, 2020 In: Arts News

Also in: Arts News

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