Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper

Necessary Animals

Local creatives ask for funding

Two local creatives, Chrstina Macadam and Keith Rodway have asked the local community for funding help and/or spreading the word – to make their artistic dreams a reality. 

Christina Macadam

Christina Macadam

Christina Macadam

“I have been accepted to study Art Therapy at Tobias School of Art & Therapy in East Grinstead this September. It has been my dream for about 25 years and it is just around the corner at last.

“You may know that I am self employed and on a low income, so I have set up a GoFundMe campaign to help me raise the resources for the first year:

  • Fees
  • 2 days a week accommodation
  • travel costs
  • art materials
  • personal therapy that I am required to undertake.

“I would love it if you took a moment to check out my GoFundMe campaign:

“Your support would mean a great deal to me whether in the form of a donation (however small, it all adds up) or by sharing the link to your facebook timeline, by email, twitter or text.”

Keith Rodway

Keith Rodway with Ingvild Deila

Keith Rodway

“I am running a Crowdfunder campaign to manufacture the debut LP by my
band, Necessary Animals, and to develop a spoken word community arts
project based on the music. We will be working with groups based
locally to give marginalised people, or students from local schools, to express their feelings about life in Hastings – both good and not-so-good experiences.

The LP features many great musicians from Hastings’ extraordinarily rich and diverse creative pool. Contributors include Simon Charteron of Near Jazz Experience; Fritz Catlin, founder member of 23 Skidoo and a great DJ/producer / percussionist; Steve Finnerty of Junk Delux and Alabama 3; brilliant young guitarist William Snelling; singer Holly Finch; cornet player Andrew Cooper and a great singer/songwriter partnership called Chasing Shadows.

“The artwork is by Peter Quinnell, who has worked his customary magic.
This is the link to the crowdfunding campaign: Necessary Animals.
This is the link on Soundcloud to our eponymous title track: Necessary Animals.
We are off to a good start, but have a way to go yet! The campaign runs for another few days. Thank you for you generosity.”

Artwork Peter Quinnell

Artwork Peter Quinnell

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Posted 04:56 Friday, Aug 17, 2018 In: Arts News

Also in: Arts News

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