Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper

CC18-ART-FAIR-Edited-1Coastal Currents 2018 launches

The local annual arts festival, Coastal Currents, launched on 31 August – and continues through to the end of September. 

There is so much happening, it would be impossible to list all the events here, but keep your eyes open for street artworks that have been created around the town – and visit the open studios and events planned throughout the month.

“We have so many events that we are proud of this year and can’t wait for you all to be part of it,” writes the Coastal Currents organising team. “Some of this includes the exciting street art which has been popping up around town… keep your eyes peeled for more pieces in unexpected places and tag us on social media with #coastalcurrents #ccfest2018 to let us know what you think.”

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Posted 09:35 Sunday, Sep 2, 2018 In: Arts News

Also in: Arts News

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