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Brook Tate performs on Thursday 15 August at Kino-Teatr

What’s Next for Brook Tate?

Brook Tate – performer, artist, musician and author – will be presenting an insight into their various art forms, including excerpts from their upcoming projects. Sharon Rhodes was very excited to catch up with Brook and find out about their new show tomorrow night – Thursday 15 August – at Kino-Teatr.

After performing a concert version of their award winning show Birthmarked in Hastings, Brook is keen to reveal what is next in the pipeline. With original music likened to Joni Mitchell, Steve Wonder and Jeff Buckley, Brook weaves the crafts of songwriter, storyteller and visual artist into performances that are unlike any other.

Sharon: Brook, you’re taking Hastings and St Leonards by storm at the moment and HOT would like to know more about you?

Brook: Well Sharon, I was born here in 1993. When I was 19 I moved to Ireland, and then I went to China, and then I’ve been living in Bristol for eight years and I’ve just come back. I’m about to turn 31 in a few weeks.

Sharon: So what will be going on at Kino Teatre on Thursday?

Brook: What’s next, is a response to my first show Birthmarked which was an autobiographical musical of my life and what happened to me when I discommunicated from the Jehovah’s Witnesses. I’ve done that show for the last three years. I realised whilst I was doing that show I don’t need to tell that story anymore because it’s help me heal from the experience and made me feel comfortable again in my hometown. Lots of people after the show that we’re asking me “What’s next” and I’ve got so much to share which is been going on in the background alongside developing Birthmarked. There’s Debra the musical zebra and her journey through self-discovery which is like an adult’s Lion King about a gay zebra which is in my life, and other experiences.

Sharon: Also Brook you’ve got your exhibition at the moment…

Brook: Yes the exhibition is on at Stella Dore Gallery in Norman Road until the middle of September and it’s so positive. Steph Warren has been a huge supporter. I’ve been so like humbled and welcoming sharing sharing my messages. I was always very much in the art world but never really understood maths and in the last few months I found a way to combine the two exploring my theory of mathematics through colour!

Brook’s multi-colour maths artworks are currently on show at Stella Dore Gallery – opposite Kino-Teatr. Look for the giraffe flag!

Making maths colourful…

Brook is the inventor of a new mathematical method – Multicolour Maths – designed to help children and adults learn the foundations of mathematics using only colours and shapes. Brook presented their unique method of understanding maths to the British Society of Research into the Learning of Mathematics (BSRLM) in June 2024 with an incredibly positive response. A unique insight into how Brook’s theatre work and visual art lead to the conception of this method will also be presented at the Kino-Teatr at this event.

Sharon: Brook – thanks so much for sharing your story and I will see you on Thursday at Kino Teatre.

Brook Tate will be at Kino-Teatr, Norman Road, St Leonards-on-Sea on at 7.30pm on Thursday 15 August. For anyone else who would like to witness Brook’s unique performance, here’s the link to book your tickets!

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Posted 15:53 Wednesday, Aug 14, 2024 In: Arts News

Also in: Arts News

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