Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper

A new Bohemian

Coinciding with the re-birth of Hastings Online Times is the beginning of another locally published journal. The Bohemian is to be launched this Saturday, 30 July at 5pm at an undisclosed venue. The editors, Sarah Janes – formerly of Bohemia Village Voice, and Outrageous Decadence‘s Liz Maynard have joined forces to produce an eclectic journal which celebrates their diverse and sometimes whimsical interests. I caught up with Sarah Janes to ask some leading questions.

HOT: Tell me about The Bohemian?
SJ: The Bohemian is a magazine produced in St Leonards, but which can be enjoyed by anyone in the world.

HOT: How will it differ from the Bohemia Village Voice?
SJ: As John (publisher of the Bohemia Village Voice) tells me it will be ‘all arty’. In this first exciting issue we have an interview with Matthew Corbett about his career with Sooty and Co. There is an interview with Bob Log III (one-man-band extraordinaire who will be playing an amazing show for The Bohemia Club in Hastings with P for Persia and God’s Mama at the Brass Monkey on 2 Sept); an article about Absinthe and Aleister Crowley; a piece about magickal springs and the history of spring worship, and lots of other highly fascinating stuff.

HOT: What’s this thing about Sooty?
SJ: We just LOVE Sooty and we think he is magic!

HOT: How often will The Bohemian appear?
SJ: The Bohemian will appear every two months and each issue has a theme, this time it’s Magick and the next issue (Oct/Nov) is Adventure.

HOT: How do we find out about The Bohemian launch party?
SJ: It is this Saturday at 5pm at a secret location. If you email we will tell all interested parties the location and secret password.

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Posted 00:49 Thursday, Jul 28, 2011 In: Arts News

Also in: Arts News

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