Hastings & St. Leonards on-line community newspaper

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Who will be your Police and Crime Commissioner for Sussex?

Who are the Jailbirds seeking your vote on 15 November for the election that has remained in solitary confinement? HOT’s Solomon Curtis investigated the Police and Crime Commissioner elections.

With just over a week to go, how many actually know what the police and crime commissioner elections are and who they are voting for? The PPC elections have caused huge controversy over being a waste of public money and making the police force political. A political party could be running your police force. Huh?

You can tell he used to be a teacher

Well the elections are intended to allow an overall elected commissioner to support the work of our frontline police and the elections are to be held next week with some familar faces around the country standing. like Lord Prescott.

The elections in Sussex cover Brighton, East Sussex and West Sussex and the candidates look familar with the Labour Party candidate being a local Hastings councillor, Godfrey Daniel.

So I was intrigued to find out the policies of our candidates in Sussex although turnout is expected to be less than 15%. That’s democracy for you!

As I mentioned our local councillor Godfrey Daniel is standing for the Labour Party. Godfrey was a Member of the Sussex Police Authority for over 7 years and a member of the Sussex Probation Board for 6 years.  He has been a magistrate since 1989.  His slogan is he wants to “Cut Crime not Police”.

Also competing is Katy Bourne (Conservative), the only female candidate. Katy wants to put a special commissioner in every rural village so that locals can once again get to know their “local bobby”, she is a businesswoman who has also been a local councillor in West Sussex.

Nearby in Lewes, the Liberal Democrat candidate is resident, David Rogers. David has been a councillor for over 35 years, chaired the Sussex Police Authority and wants to tackle alcohol abuse, which he feels is the root of our crime problem in Sussex.

Did someone steal his sheep?

The only independent standing is ex-advisor to Sussex Police, Ian Chisnall. Ian has lived in Sussex for 34 years and wants to tackle in particular domestic violence along with hate crimes.

Yes you are a politician!

The last candidate is Tony Armstrong (UKIP) who claims he’s “not a politician”. Hmmmm… Anyway Tony wants to reduce the effects of government cuts by cutting bureaucracy within the police and making sure there are more frontline officers.

Make sure you vote on Thursday 15 November! More information on the candidates can be found on the offical PCC elections website.


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Posted 09:32 Wednesday, Nov 7, 2012 In: Home Ground

Also in: Home Ground

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