Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper
Seaview Project's gym

Seaview Project’s gym

Comic Relief sponsored crowd fund for Seaview

As one of Comic Relief’s core grant holders, Seaview has been offered the challenge that if within 6 weeks they can raise £2,536.50 through an active crowdfunding campaign for a project that they endorse that they will release a matching grant of £2,536.50.

Seaview is attempting to raise £5,073.00 for Seaview Women’s Body & Mind Project. Women-only support and equipment for the vulnerable and homeless women we work with.

Seaview recognises the benefits of routine, exercise and social contact in the management of a healthy body and mind. With this in mind, Seaview is hoping to extend their gym facilities to purchase equipment that will be specific for women only sessions – and so that they can run yoga and relaxation classes for the women they work with.

Jodie from Seaview’s peer led support team, RADAR (Refocus, Assess, Develop, Activate, Recover) explains the importance of this campaign in the following short video.

Link to Crowdfunding page.

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Posted 09:10 Saturday, Oct 14, 2017 In: Campaigns

Also in: Campaigns

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