Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper

Climate change and refugees: conference on Saturday 21st

Two of the biggest crises of the day are climate change and refugees. How do they affect each other as issues? How do they affect people? Bexhill & Hastings United Nations Association (UNA) are having a one-day conference on these matters on Saturday 21 October, in Bexhill Old Town. Bernard McGinley reports.

The UNA hope that a one-day conference on these linked issues will further understanding of them. (Lunch however is to be a Bring-Your-Own affair, but analysis and animated discussion is likely to make up for that.)

The intertwined questions are:

Last Orders’ for Climate Change! Record High Numbers of Refugees!! How has it come to this, and what can we do about it?

Events in and around Gaza only intensify the issues.

The morning session will use a selection of videos, pictures and interviews to ‘showcase’ local people’s progress in making peace and in social, economic and environmental development.

The afternoon’s session will begin with an illustrated presentation about UNESCO (the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation). This is a UN specialized agency (headquartered in Paris) concerned with promoting world peace and security through international cooperation in education, arts, sciences and culture.

And then over tea, there will be café-style workshops on what could and should be done to dissuade governments from making war that is obstructing the resolution of social, economic and environmental problems. Wars and refugees obscure issues around climate change, and vice-versa. The conference seeks to throw light on these matters. It is due to run from 10:45 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

The venue is:

St Peter’s Community Centre, Church Street, Bexhill Old Town, East Sussex TN40 2HE

Please reserve your spot on Eventbrite – booking is free.

Don’t forget the BYO lunch.


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Posted 10:59 Thursday, Oct 19, 2023 In: Campaigns

Also in: Campaigns

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