Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper
Campaigners at the site of tree felling Photo CHDs

Campaigners at the site of tree felling Photo CHDs

Campaigners camp on Queensway

This weekend, campaigners will set up a pop-up camp and plant trees on the route of the Queensway Gateway Road in Hollington Valley, as part of their ongoing fight to stop this road being built.  The camp will include a social event on the Saturday afternoon (3pm) with tree-planting, music, tea and cake.

A spokesperson for the Combe Haven Defenders’ campaigning group said, “Planning permission for the £15m QGR was revoked after a local resident, (Gabriel Carlyle), challenged the decision at the High Court. Hastings Council accepted that it had made an error of law in granting the permission, which should have been refused because the road would breach national and EU directives on air pollution.

“However, road developer SeaChange Sussex attempted to continue with treefelling operations, leading to concerns that planning permission would once again be granted, despite the failure to deal with the issue of air pollution.

Combe Haven Defender, Emily Johns said, “Hastings Council should have accepted after it was forced to revoke the planning permission that this road should have been scrapped long ago. Instead, they are keen to press ahead with a white elephant scheme which would not only cause air pollution and increase carbon emissions, but would totally destroy Hollington Valley local wildlife site. We are planting trees to start the process of re-greening Hollington Valley – and will be strongly opposing any new application for planning permission”.

Photo Arup Malakar

Photo Arup Malakar

Campaigners’ camp on Queensway : Hollington Valley, Friday 18 – Sunday 20 September. Full details of the camp here.

Combe Haven Defenders’ website here.

Information about Queensway Gateway Road from SeaChange Sussex here.


Pop-up camp map Photo CHDs

Pop-up camp map Photo CHDs


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Posted 14:16 Wednesday, Sep 16, 2015 In: Campaigns

Also in: Campaigns

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