Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper

Members of Hastings Compost Community at the site provided by the council in Warrior Square (photo:HCC).

Council provides two sites for community composting hubs

Hastings’ community composting movement has taken another step forward with the provision of two sites in St Leonards on land owned by Hastings Borough Council, taking the total of hubs across the town to nine. Nick Terdre reports.

In a partnership between Hastings Borough Council and Hastings Compost Community, the council has designated two sites in St Leonards, in Warrior Square Gardens and Gensing Gardens, as community compost hubs. The first on council-owned land, these take the total of community composting sites across the town to nine.

Hastings Compost Community will be holding launch events for the new sites, at Warrior Square Gardens, where the bins have already been installed, on Saturday 5 October, 11am to 1pm, and in Gensing Gardens on Saturday 19 October, 11am to 1pm. There will be free refreshments and interested parties will be able to find out more about the project and sign up if they wish.

Two bins have been placed in Gensing Gardens, just off Charles Road.

“We are really excited that we’ve been able to agree to have these compost bins on council-owned land,” said Cllr Jo Walker, the lead for environment and neighbourhood wellbeing. “We know that lots of people are keen to compost but may not have the space to do this at home.

“I hope that this offers residents in St Leonards more options to compost their food waste and we will continue to look for sites across the town so we can widen the service to other residents.”

All can register

All residents can register with Hastings Compost Community to use one of the composting sites. When you register you are given instructions on how and what to compost and the combination to the active compost bin. Registration is free, with priority given to households that don’t have access to a garden to compost at home.

The sites already in operation on private land are at St John the Evangelist church off Pevensey Road in St Leonards, Warrior Square Station Gardens, The Yard in Waterworks Road in the town centre, All Saints Church in the Old Town, Ore Community Centre, Ore Station and Four Courts Community Centre.

The initiative, which was launched in 2021 is specifically aimed at those who lack composting opportunities at home, such as dwellers in blocks of flats.

Hastings Compost Community is run by a small group of volunteers who say they “are passionate about reducing food waste, creating healthy soil and building community. We’re also keen to encourage home composting and home growing and are keen to collaborate with other aligned groups. We are planning to develop HCC through outreach and community activities.”

A staunch supporter of the initiative since its inception is the Green Party’s HBC  leader Julia Hilton.

More information on the Hastings Compost Community website where you can also register your interest in becoming involved.

Current council leader Cllr Julia Hilton, second from right, was present when the first composting hub was inaugurated at St John the Evangelist church off Pevensey Road in 2021, as was then mayor, Cllr James Bacon.

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Posted 21:38 Wednesday, Sep 25, 2024 In: Green Times

1 Comment

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  1. Kendal

    while I welcome all greener initiatives, putting money into greening this resort town is the equivalent of inviting guests over for coffee and brushing all your household refuse and clutter behind the couch. In Hastings case, it’s more like emptying your waste bins all over the carpet and just increasing a number of small pot plants.

    Comment by Kendal — Thursday, Sep 26, 2024 @ 08:16

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Also in: Green Times

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